Getting your home or business to carbon neutrality may seem like an alien concept to many, but is a far more common challenge than you may think. Many clients we have worked with so far have been tasked with reducing their carbon to a NET zero figure anywhere from 2026 to 2030.
This may be a pledge they have made themselves or indeed something which they are being requested to do by their clients, board or supply chain.
Our carbon detox calculation pulls together a wide array of specialist energy reduction services from across the YESSS Group. Starting with an energy review using energy tracking hardware and software. With this we get a full 360 degree profile of your energy landscape.
From here we will work to understand your changing energy needs, be that the installation of car chargers, upgrading to electric heating systems or expansion of your operations. We then identify the quick wins to provide efficiency savings which can reduce carbon, reduce energy spend and free up additional headroom for use on future projects without the need for power supply upgrades.
We then look at a roadmap to decarbonise the supply of energy into your property, be it through increasing the efficiency of existing supply, solar panels, wind turbines and heat pumps to name a few.
Finally we look at energy spend and tariff information to whether the use of battery storage to locally harness energy from renewable sources or from cheaper, lower carbon overnight energy supplied when the grid is less constrained to be used at peak times.
All of this combining into a journey from your buildings current efficiency to your greener, cleaner future.
Speak to your local branch for more information